How we can help you with your financial strategy

One area where we often provide support is to help people understand what options they have in relation to their financial strategy and products.

Once we have agreed to a client’s personalised strategy, we can then assess whether their existing products are suitable for them or if there are better alternatives in the market.

Financial planning is very broad and complex and has a different value to different people.

For example, one day we could be assisting clients with Retirement Planning and how to ensure they have a comfortable retirement and the next day, helping a young family work towards buying their family home.

We help you by understanding what’s important to you and then working with you to achieve it.

Forest Wealth and investment advice

There are so many options available to investors, and a lot of the time this is why people seek professional financial advice.

Our clients often have similar requests:

  • I need my money to last my lifetime
  • I don’t want to take on too much risk
  • I’d like to leave something for my beneficiaries
  • I don’t want to pay any tax
  • I want to make sure that I’m maximising my Centrelink entitlements

If you have similar questions then I’m sure we can help. Feel free to contact Forest Wealth using the contact form on this page.

Types of investments we recommend

  • Industry Superfunds
  • Self-Managed Super Funds
  • Wrap Accounts
  • Retail Funds
  • Managed Funds
  • Direct Equites (Shares)
  • Annuities
  • Cash based products

Forest Wealth and insurance advice

If you would like a recommendation on the amount of insurance to hold and the most appropriate insurers to use, we are happy to help you out.

There is more to personal insurance than meets the eye, so professional advice is recommended. Not all insurers give the same type of cover, and are as reputable as one another.

We will give you advice on how to structure your insurance (inside or outside of Superannuation for example), which premium types to use, which insurance company is appropriate for you as an individual, how much cover to have, and which features are most suited to you specifically.

Forest Wealth is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Millennium3 Financial Services (M3). We use products recommended by M3, and only products that have been examined and placed on their Approved Products List (APL).

Contact us

Please complete the form below to book a call or meeting, or to send us an email message:​